Workers Health & Safety Centre

Roofing company and owner fined for work at heights violations

Worker standing on a roof
A Toronto roofing company and its owner were recently convicted and fined a total of $47,000 for repeated working at heights-related violations.
According to a Ministry of Labour (MOL) press release, the company was convicted and fined $33,000 for failing to ensure workers wore fall protection and protective headwear and footwear. The owner was convicted and fined $14,000 for failure to ensure workers wore fall protection.
The MOL noted these violations of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (the Act) and the Construction Project Regulations had occurred on three separate dates in April, May and October of 2014. Also of note was the fact some of these violations occurred just two days after a previous conviction and fine for the same violations.  
Failing to meet these and other minimum safety standards is a recipe for disaster considering fall from heights is the leading cause of traumatic worker deaths and critical injuries in construction.
As of April 1, 2015, a new requirement for minimum work at heights training came into force. Ontario regulation now requires employers to ensure untrained or inadequately trained construction workers complete a MOL-approved working at heights training program before they work at heights and use fall protection equipment and systems.
The WHSC was one of the first organizations to gain MOL approval. We continue to offer regularly scheduled Working at Heights training in communities throughout Ontario.
With enough participants and an appropriate training venue we are also able to work with construction sector unions and employers to bring training to you. 
The WHSC Working at Heights program is designed to give workers, supervisors and others the knowledge and skills to help prevent falls while assisting employers seeking to achieve compliance with their legal training obligations. 
Want to register for upcoming community-based Working at Heights training?
Want more information about working at heights?
Want to know more about this recent conviction for working at heights violations?

Do you have further questions? Call 1-888-869-7950 and ask to speak to one of our training services representatives.