Workers Health & Safety Centre

Follow WHSC on social media

You can now follow WHSCtraining on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
Looking for a little more ‘face time’ with the Workers Health & Safety Centre? You can now follow WHSCtraining on YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Sourcing trusted, relevant and timely health and safety information takes time and effort. Let WHSCtraining social media sites source this information for you. On our sites you will find a host of information. Including:
  • Updates on existing and emerging hazards
  • Explanations of health and safety concepts
  • Announces of new legal requirements
  • Cool tools to help assess workplace hazards and your progress toward their control
  • Shared news items of interest to our health and safety community
  • Upcoming events
  • WHSC training schedules
  • New WHSC program releases.

Of course we will want to hear from you too. Like us, comment and share in return. Tell us about your health and safety experiences. Ask us a question.
At the WHSC achieving our mutual goals of safer, healthier workplaces doesn’t begin and end with one, or even several, of our training programs. Let’s continue the conversation.