Workers Health & Safety Centre

WHSC releases new Training for School Lockdowns

Workers initiating a lockdown
With educational institutions increasingly faced with incidents requiring them to initiate lockdowns, having a plan for emergency preparedness and crisis management is vital. Lockdown: a Crisis Response is a new three-hour training program from the Workers Health & Safety Centre designed to help schools, colleges and universities prepare and manage their emergency response solutions.

Workplaces may already have a plan on paper, but have not trained personnel about details of the plan. If so, participants should bring their plans to this WHSC program and see how it compares to other plans and where they might need to make adjustments.

If schools don’t have a plan, this training will work for them too. It includes sample plans used by several Ontario Boards of Education, plus course materials and group discussions about plan development and what works for others.

The program addresses the components of an emergency or crisis preparedness plan and explains how a lockdown response fits within the overall plan. It also covers applicable laws, policies as well as guidelines for developing and maintaining lockdown procedures in schools, colleges and universities.

For participants’ consideration and discussion the training program includes the governing principles of an effective lockdown plan and key elements that should be included in the planning. These elements include using consistent terms, planning evacuation routes, identifying safe shelter, accommodating disabled staff and students, identifying vulnerable areas, providing worker education, and performing lockdown drills.

To learn more and find out how to book this and other WHSC training programs, check out WHSC’s complete training catalogue or contact WHSC and ask to speak with a Training Services Representative.

Want to get a quick estimate on what it would cost to bring this training to your organization? Check out our handy online course calculator.

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