Workers Health & Safety Centre

Combat psychosocial hazards with workplace training and solutions

New findings from a recent LifeWorks survey show the psychological health of Canadian workers is at its lowest point in the last 22 months.
Worker mental health and wellness isn’t a new topic but the pandemic has certainty brought mental health and psychosocial hazards as well as the increased need to combat these hazards to the forefront.
Prior to the pandemic in 2016, the Mental Health Commission of Canada found each week 500,000 Canadians do not go into work due to a psychological issue, which could be attributed directly to psychosocial hazards in the workplace – including for instance, harassment or excessive workloads. Evidence suggests poor workplace mental health negatively effects both the worker and the organization. And on the flip side addressing hazards and improving mental health can boost employee satisfaction, engagement and productivity as well as reduce health costs, worker turnover and lost work time.
Six years on, we’re seeing the effects and hearing about more Canadians suffering from workplace mental health and the psychosocial hazards that cause them. The survey by LifeWorks helps underscore the need for workplace intervention and prevention. The survey was conducted online in English and French in January 2022, with 3,000 respondents. All were employed within the last six months and represent a cross-section of the population.

Key survey findings:
  • Gender gaps — women continue to display significantly lower mental health scores than men, and since April 2020, they report larger increases in mental stress, too.
  • Flexible work — only 33 percent of workers surveyed feel they are supported by their employer, through flexible work — considered essential and more important than career progression
  • Retention — a sense of belonging and feeling valued positively impacts worker mental health and staying in a job
  • Mental health by industry — most industries show a decline in mental health scores compared to December 2021, however of note, those employed in accommodation and food services have the lowest mental health scores.

While many employers are prioritizing worker mental health, there are some who don’t know where to begin. Workers Health and Safety Centre (WHSC) can help.

Solutions-focused training

Real workplace interventions are key. Quality training is a good place to start.
Our program entitled, Psychosocial Hazards and Workplace Mental Health is aimed at supporting workers, their supervisors and representatives in pursuit of concrete workplace action.
In this three-hour session, participants:
  • gain an understanding of psychosocial work hazards and how they may impact workers’ mental health
  • understand the health effects associated with these hazards and explore a range of related workplace factors from job demands/job control and worker engagement to civility and respect
  • learn to identify and assess psychosocial hazards including policies and programs, physical and cognitive demands analysis and workplace surveys
  • discuss preventative and protective measures for a safer and healthier workplace. 

It is important to recognize that while the pandemic worsened these issues, employers must ensure worker mental health remains a priority long after the pandemic is behind us.

To help safeguard and retain workers, REGISTER NOW!
WHERE: Online, virtual classroom
WHEN: Friday, April 22 | 1:00PM-4:00PM
Tuesday, May 10 | 9:00AM-12:00PM
Tuesday, May 17 | 1:00PM-4:00PM
COST: $75.00
REGISTER: Psychosocial Hazards and Workplace Mental Health - Virtual

Be sure to check out our complete schedule of online virtual classroom training, including Certification Part I, Part II and Refresher training. Properly trained, certified joint health and safety committee members can play a critical role in building physically and psychologically safe and healthy workplaces.
Why our virtual learning environment is unique and effective?
✅ Live online learning on a secure Zoom platform
✅ Highly qualified instructors with considerable real-world experience
✅ Small class sizes designed for maximum engagement
✅ Proven class activities for assured learning.

Need more information?
Contact a WHSC training services representative in your area.
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