Workers Health & Safety Centre

JHSC certification training: in-person learning returns

Have you been waiting to access in-person essential and mandatory joint health and safety committee (JHSC) Certification Training? If so, registration is now open.  
Workers Health and Safety Centre (WHSC) recently added in-person Part 1 and Part 2 JHSC Certification Training opportunities in a few Ontario communities over the coming months. To help prevent COVID-19 transmission all participants are required to complete screening prior to entry and wear a mask throughout training. Instructors will adhere to the same requirements.
For those needing to comply with JHSC Certification Training and are not yet comfortable returning to in-person training, WHSC continues to offer regularly scheduled, real-time, instructor led, virtual training opportunities.
With limited spots available you are encouraged to register today to ensure your spot on a date and location that works best for you.  
JHSC Certification Training
Ontario workplaces employing 20 or more workers or where a designated substance is onsite must have a joint health and safety committee (JHSC). The Occupational Health and Safety Act also requires two members of a JHSC – one worker and one management – complete Part 1 and 2 of an approved training program to become certified. To remain certified, they must also successfully complete Certification Refresher training every three years. WHSC is an approved and leading provider of all Certification programs.

New policy requirements

Many workplaces elect to train all JHSC members to build the in-house capability needed to help meet extensive health and safety requirements. Among these is the development and implementation of essential and mandatory workplace policies and programs to protect workers’ health and safety. This includes new requirements for a written policy on disconnecting from work. Employers that employed 25 or more employees on January 1, 2022, were to have this policy in place by June 2, 2022. Also new is for employers covered by Ontario’s Employment Standards Act (ESA) that employ 25 or more employees on January 1 of any year to have a written policy on electronic monitoring. For 2022, the legal deadline to put in place this policy is October 11 and employees must be provided a copy by November 10 at the latest.

WHSC, at your service in-person and virtually

WHSC Certification Part 1 Training gives participants a complete understanding of occupational health and safety legislation, including rights and responsibilities of workplace parties and certified representatives on JHSCs in particular. This will include a full discussion about the Internal Responsibility System (IRS) and the purpose and requirements of workplace health and safety policies and programs. Equally important, participants learn how to identify, assess and control, or better yet eliminate, workplace hazards.

Part 2 Certification Training must be completed within one year of Part 1 and must include training in a minimum of six hazards relevant to the participants’ workplace. WHSC offers a complete catalogue of hazard training modules for a customized onsite approach. To get into compliance quickly though, many register for our ‘General’ program covering the six most common occupational hazards.
With just a limited number of in-person training opportunities for JHSC Part 1 and Part 2 Certification Training scheduled at this time, you are encouraged to register today to ensure access. Or, as mentioned, you can still register for regularly scheduled, real-time, instructor led, virtual training.

And like all WHSC programs, Certification Training programs are:

✅ priced competitively,
✅ designed to ensure critical learning is achieved,
✅ delivered by instructors who possess significant workplace experience,
✅ supported by complete training records.

Need more information?
WHSC Certification Training
Written policy on disconnecting from work
Written policy on electronic monitoring of employees
More info still!
Additional resource: Certification Training: The Process
Additional training: Check out all WHSC programs
Contact a WHSC training services representative in your area.
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