The Ministry of Labour is extending a compliance deadline for the last phase of its mandatory Working at Heights training.
Since April 1, 2015, employers must ensure untrained or inadequately trained
workers on construction projects complete a Ministry of Labour (MOL)-approved working at heights training program before working at heights and using a fall restricting system, fall arrest system, safety net, work belt or safety belt.
What’s changed?
For those who, prior to April 1, 2015, had met previous fall protection training requirements under the Regulation for Construction Projects (O. Reg 213/91), April 1, 2017 was the deadline to complete a new MOL-approved working at heights training program. Feedback from construction sector stakeholders however has led the MOL to extend this deadline by six months. Completion of this last phase will see the training standard
universally applied across the construction sector.
This extension though comes with
strict conditions. Here’s what you need to know about the revised compliance deadline:
- Again, it only applies to workers who, prior to April 1, 2015, completed adequate fall protection training (subsection 26.2(1) of the O.Reg 213/91)
- Workers must be enrolled in an MOL-approved Working at Heights training program to be completed before October 1, 2017
- Employers must have written proof of enrollment to include name of worker, name of approved training program and provider, and date training is to be completed. Proof of enrollment must be made available to a MOL inspector upon request.
Of the extension Dave Killham, WHSC executive director says, “There’s still a lot of demand for this training partly because a clear compliance plan was not set out for the industry during this transition period. We think the MOL extension is the right decision now however. This said, as a health and safety system we have demonstrated life-saving,
mandatory training standards are not only necessary, they are achievable. For our part WHSC has trained over 65,000 workers in Working at Heights training since April 1, 2015. And we are well positioned to do so much more.”
To support compliance, WHSC added Working at Heights training capacity leading up to the original deadline. This spring WHSC continues to offer an extensive schedule of training across Ontario. As classes fill more will be added.
The WHSC was among the first providers to gain MOL approval to deliver Working at Heights training. The WHSC’s comprehensive one-day
Working at Heights program is:
- priced competitively ($90/person plus HST),
- designed to ensure critical learning is achieved,
- delivered by experienced instructors from the trades, and
- supported by complete training records and replacement cards when needed.
Need training now? Register today for scheduled community-based training.
Working directly with employers and unions in the construction sector WHSC can also bring
training to their work site or facility. Should you need this kind of service
call 1-888-869-7950 and ask to speak to a WHSC training services representative.
Need more information still?
Check out our online working at heights information resources.