Workers Health & Safety Centre

Working at Heights courses added as April 1st compliance deadline looms

Worker working at heights
 Ontario employers have one month left to ensure construction workers who work at heights complete a mandatory, Ministry of Labour-approved, working at heights training program.
Anticipating last-minute demand, Workers Health & Safety Centre (WHSC) is scheduling additional courses throughout the month of March. These include several new courses which have opened in the Greater Toronto Area, where the need has been greatest.
“We will be monitoring things very closely,” says Dave Killham, WHSC Executive Director. “As courses fill we will open more. We will ensure everyone who needs this potentially life-saving training has ready access.”
Come April 1st, anyone on a construction site who may work at heights and be required to use fall arrest equipment must have completed MOL-approved training. This ends a two-year phase-in-period which began April 1, 2015. Then only untrained and inadequately trained construction workers were legally required to complete MOL-approved working at heights training program before working at heights. Now the training standard will be universally applied across the construction sector.
The WHSC was among the first organizations to gain MOL approval to deliver working at heights training. To date, we have delivered this training to more than 50,000 workers.  The WHSC’s comprehensive one-day Working at Heights program is:
  • competitively priced ($90/person plus HST),
  • designed to ensure critical learning is achieved,
  • delivered by experienced instructors from the trades, and
  • backed by complete training records and replacement cards when needed.
Need training fast?
Register today for scheduled community-based training. 
We are also working directly with employers and unions in the construction sector to bring training to their work site or facility. Should you need this kind of service call 1-888-869-7950 and ask to speak to a WHSC training services representative.

Need more information still? Be sure to check out our online working at heights information resources.