Workers Health & Safety Centre

Work at heights training deadline looms

Workers working at heights with proper safety equipment
Ontario employers have less than one year to ensure construction workers complete a MOL-approved working at heights training program.
As of April 1, 2015, Ontario regulation requires employers to ensure untrained or inadequately trained construction workers complete a MOL-approved working at heights training program before they work at heights and use fall protection equipment and systems.
This same legislation allowed for a two year transition period for workers who, prior to April 1, 2015, met the fall protection training requirements set out in subsection 26.2(1) of the Construction Projects Regulation. By April 1, 2017 however, employers must ensure training compliance for these workers. Again to be clear, they must take an MOL-approved program by this date.
The WHSC was one of the first organizations to gain MOL approval to deliver working at heights training. The WHSC’s comprehensive one-day Working at Heights program is:
  • competitively priced,
  • designed to ensure critical learning is achieved,
  • delivered by experienced instructors from the trades, and
  • backed by complete training records and replacement cards when needed.
Given fall from heights is the leading cause of traumatic worker deaths and critical injuries in construction, the WHSC has made it a priority to ensure timely access for those who require this potentially life-saving training. 
Since the regulation came into force, more than 22,000 construction workers have completed the WHSC Working at Heights program.
To ensure you get the training you need when you need it, the WHSC continues to schedule Working at Heights training in communities throughout Ontario. We are also working with construction unions and employers to bring training directly to you.
Need Working at Heights training? Register today for scheduled community-based training. 
Need more info about bringing training to your work site or facility? Call 1-888-869-7950 and ask to speak to a WHSC training service representative.
Need more information still? Be sure to check out our online working at heights information resources.